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September kicks off my favorite time of year, the weather starts to cool, pumpkin spiced everything comes out, the leaves start to change, my birthday :), and.... of course... halloween! The spookiest time of the year.  

Every year I begin my birthday month off with streaming some of my favorites of the season.

Usually I begin with The Exorcist, and this year was no different. BUT this year, I'm 'batching' similar type movies and will rank them, in my humble opinion, from best to not so best in the list to help you chose wisely in what you watch this season. 

I've selected some of my ultimate favorites of the sub-genre and also some that I'd never seen before 10 in each category and i've listed them from 10 - 1, #1 being my favorite of the group. 

Reeses  Pieces Season of  Spooks  

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Possessions anExorcisms

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10. The Crucifixion  2017


"Based on 'true' events" A young reporter wants travels to report on an exorcism gone wrong in an effort to prove that the Catholic church unnecessarily preformed its ritual which results in killing a young girl.  Her skepticism of religion and possession is gradually shifted as she starts experiencing unexplained occurrences. 

This movie has all the gritty creeps that you expect, along side a story line that you also expect but nothing out of the ordinary (feels strange to say that when talking about a horror movie) that got my interest peeked. If you want some entertainment and you're looking for a new movie to watch, this one is "okay", but I'd recommend the below list of movies before this one! It's not horrible, but not great either. 

If you click on the images below, it will take you to IMDb for additional information and how/where to watch each movie

9. The Exorcism of God  2021

A priest in his young years during an exorcism, gives in to sin that comes back to 'haunt' him many years later. After spending his life attempting to repent, he's faced again with the same demon possessing a young girl. He calls on help from the Vatican for assistance and he and the best of the best come to take care of the infestation.  

This movie had potential, and it has a different outlook and ending than most possession movies. I thought it an interesting story as it brings to light the imperfections of priests as human beings. What I wasn't sure of, was the Night of the Demons style possessed, it pulled me out of the dark scary nature of the movie setting somewhat. I also found myself asking several times, whaaatttt??? I can't say more without giving away plot details! This is a good possession movie with a different outcome, if you want to shake things up a bit!

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8. The Devil Inside   2012

A young lady seeks truth behind an event that landed her mother at a psychiatric hospital at the Vatican and multiple people dead after an attempted exorcism. She becomes linked up with two priests that are performing unsanctioned rituals due to their disagreement with the churches decision to set what they see as possession cases aside. They ultimately attempt to preform an exorcism on the mother and it goes terribly awry for the group of four.   

I do like this movie at face value. The progression of the story line has some hiccups in it (jumping from 0 miles an hour to let's do this exorcism in a span of 2 seconds), but it has some great effects and terrifying moments to it that I think make it a worth while, probably a bit under rated possession movie. Do note, this is a docu-style, it's not Blair Witch shaky, but still hand-held style filming. 

7. Pray for the Devil  2022

The setting: A School of Exorcism. A Nun with a gift is allowed to observe exorcism classes and ends up assisting with a case that she has personal ties to, a possessed young girl. She takes extreme steps to rid the demon from the child after multiple priests are killed.  

I like the take on a female performing exorcisms, this movie looks at possession and exorcism from a different angle, the care and love of another instead of only seeing the demon inside the human. The story line is again, somewhat predictable, but there are really good effects and scenes that can scare the poo out of you in this movie. It makes you wonder if the set up in this movie could reflect how the Vatican may be handling possession cases from behind closed doors. I feel this movie is worth watching, in the dark if you dare!

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6. The Taking of Deborah Logan 2014

Deborah Logan is an older lady presenting signs of early Alzheimer's. Her and her daughter agree to allow a student for her doctorate, to film Deborah and the progression and effects that Alzheimer's has  on a patient and their families. After showing unusual signs that don't fit the mold of the disease, the crew and daughter begin to suspect something other than natural progression of Alzheimer's but something else altogether.     

This is a diamond in the rough movie. Another hand held, some of it Blair Witch shaky, but it is fitting for the plot. This plot is a whole differnt take on possession and they've created a story line that is interesting and is completely unexpected, as is the ending. This movie is certainly worth your watch.  

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5. Deliver us from Evil  2014

From the viewpoint of a non-practicing catholic police officer, a woman that tosses her child into the pen of a lion at the local zoo is just 'crazy'. But as he and his partner dig deeper and find connections to other bizarre criminal cases in town, all the parties involved seem interconnected. Uncovering real evil, the officer teams up with an unconventional priest to help solve his supernatural case. 

This movie is dark. Let's face it, these all are. Mixing those who are meant to serve and protect from the humanistic standpoint with those who serve and protect us from unseen evil, looks at possession from two angles. This story takes possession out of the confinement of one room, house or building and reaches the unsuspecting, flipping their lives upside down. The question is, will the officer come to an understanding that the evil he's accustom to isn't the worst of the evil out there? 

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4. The Pope's Exorcist   2023

A story out of the experiences of the Vatican's leading Exorcist, Gabriele Amorth. Who was somewhat unconventional as a priest, but was assigned his cases by the Pope himself. This story follows a family that moves into a property previously owned by the church. Immediately the family's youngest is afflicted by the darkness that has been trapped for years and 'awaken' by the construction taking place.  Father Amorth faces his greatest challenge in expelling this demon, but he has to uncover the covered past to win this battle. 

Russell Crowe battling out a demon as a priest, great combo! I was happily satisfied with this movie. Good flow, good graphic and effects. Unlike some of the movies earlier in this list, the 'battle' isn't over in mere minutes (I'm talking to you movie #10), but is a struggle literally for everyones soul. I've put it at #4 as I feel it is a good possession movie not to be missed!

3.   The Possession    2012

A young girl gets her hands on an old carved box at a yard sale with her dad, which ends up being a Dibbuk Box. But that revelation does not come until she starts presenting strange behaviors after the box opens itself for her. After an episode, dad is court ordered to stay clear of the girls, but is determined to uncover what has possessed his girl and free her from it's affliction. Getting help from a jewish rabbi's son, he and his estranged wife had to work together to save their daughter.

Good movie. Good cast, good story arch, good effects and creeps. Predictable, I suppose, but I feel like this movie is woefully underrated as a possession horror movie. Maybe more people should watch this so they can learn not to open the box!!! 


2. The Exorcism of Emily Rose   2012

A Priest has been charged with negligent homicide during an exorcism 'gone wrong'. The defense lawyer taking on the case is an 'agnostic' she thinks, but begins to see and experience strange things while digging in to build her defense. Possession has had instances in court (The Devil Made Me Do It) but she is in an uphill battle against expert testimony claiming that the deceased was epileptic schizophrenic, but the family, the priest believe and she has to prove otherwise, in a court of law.    

I can not watch this movie in the dark without Brian here. The casting was brilliant, the juxtaposition flipping from 'current' time to flashbacks is smart and it keeps the tempo of the movie going, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. On top of everything, Jennifer Carpenter (Emily) was the most amazing casting, the terror she'll strike through your bones as possessed Emily, you won't unsee. If you have limited amount of time and you're trying to decide between what horror movies will really keep you up at night (because that is what us horror fans are looking for) THIS one will fit that bill.... 

1.   The Exorcist         1973

A even younger girl and her mother are temporarily living in Washington DC while mom, Chris, plays a role in a movie, Regan finds a Ouija board that she plays with alone. Regan, a typical youngster that makes goofy sculptures, likes to ride horses and minds her mother, suddenly starts acting out of character. As any good mother would, Chris takes her to any and all doctors that she can, ending up with 80+ different doctors reviewing her case with no answers as Regan gets worse and worse. Finally the doctors suggest that she seeks help from a priest to perform an Exorcism on the girl to 'shock' her system. When she enlists the help of a priest locally, he and the Church deem it necessary to preform the ritual. When an elder priest is also assigned the 'case' the two begin their work of casting out evil. 

   Tried and True Classic!! And, celebrating 50 years this year. 

This movie still haunts me after all the years of watching even thought it is 50 years old. It is a 'slow burn' to the climax, but it doesn't leave you without tension through the movie.  There is a reason you consistently see this movie at the top of most horror lists.

It is a must watch for your horror streaming season.

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